Tuesday, December 29, 2009

PKMY annual jam 2009

PKMY held a annual jamming session 2009 at Putrajaya. This wonderful event was held on the December, 27th 2009. It was a hell of a jam. Many traceurs and freerunners from all over Malaysia came to the jam. There were huge numbers of traceurs and freerunners at the jam. It's nearly 100,i think.

The rest of the story???
Let the pictures and videos tell...

On the way to the jam spot at Putrajaya.

The Jam ; Aud and Apek wearing red SR-tee (nearest to the cam)

The Jam ; Anas climb up the "Impossible Wall" at Putrajaya

The Jam ; Zahid from PKSG.

The Jam ; Qayyim attempt to cat from the ground

Tha Jam ; Anas_SR

Tha Jam ; Faka_SR

Tha Jam ; Anas' corkscrew

The Jam ; Abudi 3RUNmy

The Jam ; Ajwad from 90 degrees and Anas from SR doing a corkscrew

The Jam ; Abudi's cork

The Jam ; Qayyim giving some speech

Team SR

 Part 1

Part 2

Do watch SRs videos at youtube and please subscribe, http://www.youtube.com/user/hafyzdinh. TQ.


Yushen said...

Hi guys! Yushen here! Nice to meet you guys at the jam but still cannot remember your names... Anyway, thanks for the vids and hope we could meet again at the next jam!

Hafyzdinh Hadin said...

SR ade stalker yang begitu obsessed kott...
isim aku tengok die...
EZ, Blue, Tim Shieff dari UF pown x obsessed and isim macam die kott...
btw, SR cool... =)

Hafyzdinh Hadin said...

p/s ; aq obsessed dalam parkour/freerunning tapi at least aq bukan POSER... =|

Shimura Runner said...

Hi Yushen..
U were the team rom Kajang right???
pleasure to meet u guys too...

Shimura Runner said...

to hafyz_dinh ;

it's always happened.
most of the POSERS like to talk shit as mush as they eat.
but we need POSERS and STALKERS to keep our cool-ness.
TQ for your support.

Abudi Alsagoff said...

90 Degrees is now the NoX team :D

Hafyzdinh Hadin said...

Abudi dapat pujian dari perthfreerunners kat youtube...

Yushen said...

Our area is somewhere between Kajang and Cheras, so I cannot confirm if it's in Kajang or Cheras...XD